Before you can request access or make commitment to a deal you mast have the Following profile item completed:
Please click on the Complete Profile button to complete the required profile items. After you successfully complete your profile, you will be redirected back to this page and request will be processed automatically.
Apollocrowd charges a minimum of a $3,000.00 platform fee on each campaign. There are additional fees based on the risk of the Founder(based on their experience and PPM) and the length of the campaign. Fees are deducted from the funds you raise. Our payment processor also charges a processing fee that varies. Here's all the information you need about Apollocrow's fees and pricing.
*Payment processors may charge additional fees for contributions coming from outside the campaign owner's country. Please see Stripe's Terms of Use for more information.
Let's break down our fees in more detail.
Platform Fee: Apollocrowd charges a $3,000.00 platform fee across all crowdfunding campaigns. If you are in our Olympus Group and ran your campaign on Apollocrowd, your platform fee remains a base of $3,000.00. Apollocrowd offers services that will enhance the possibility that a campaign is successful. There are fees assosited with using these “best practices” and will be assessed per campaign. Please note that you may have a different platform fee if agreed upon by you and Apollocrowd.
Transaction Fees: Each contribution your campaign receives is subject to a transaction fee charged by the payment processor. Transaction fees depend on the type of transaction you choose to invest or disperse funds. There may be additional fees charged by the credit card networks and payment processors if contributions are made via a non-local credit card. Please visit Stripe's Terms of Use for more information on their fees.
Transfer Fee: Transfer fees, or Bank Delivery Fees, are applied each time we send funds to your bank account.
Please note:
This encourages people to set reasonable goals and promote their campaigns.